When do you decide how much charity you’re going to give in Ramadan?
If you’re like most people, the honest answer is: at the very last moment.
It’s only when you’re asked to give, or the opportunity to give arises, that you decide how much you’re actually going to give.
And that’s a shame.
Because when you force yourself to make a split second decision like that, you’re almost always going to give less than you COULD give.
What if you planned your charity in advance?
What if you made an actual plan to give more charity this Ramadan… instead of making a split second decision when you’re asked to give?
Think you’d be able to give more that way?
We certainly do. And we’ve built an entire course to help you do it.
Want to give more this Ramadan? Join us inside Charity Course.
We’ve built a 5-part video course to walk you through the process of planning your charitable giving this Ramadan.
Tune in below to get a sneak peak at what’s inside the course. And when you’re ready, click here to join the course for free.
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